Wednesday, January 16, 2008

today is somebody's birthday!

is today your birthday? i know it's not my birthday. but on some date within the next year, it will be. i wrote a peaceful ditty about how birthdays should ideally be: AWESOME. it's just me and an acoustic and has a pleasant, lightweight feel to it! i'm certainly proud of it.

on your birthday

(is today his birthday? hell no! that's february 11th. thanks wikipedia!)

these are some of my friends in the alabama-based skateboard crew the tuscalosers. they live an exciting life of debauchery that i can only aspire to one day! apparently for this photo they have traded their skateboards for powerful firearms which i promise they are legally qualified to use. they used this song in their skate video and they're good at what they do so i have to give them a shout-out.

i have no place on skateboard myself but after being surrounded by both actual skateboarders and tony hawk video games for most of my adolescence i can safely say that these dudes do 360 west side mcthrusty dragon holds all up and down the ramp with style and grace. anyways! enjoy the song!


Anonymous said...

i love it. this is getting linked to all my facebook 'aquaintances' with birthdays today.

Anonymous said...

um...still in love with this. i just thought i'd let you know my oppinion hasnt changed since 7:10 last night...

Anonymous said...

yea this is a great bday song, it really brought a smile to my face. my bday was on the 12th so I still have bday memories. You can write a realy catchy tune man. Do you use ableton? I just downloaded it but dont know where to start.

ominous castle said...

thanks! i do use ableton an awful lot. i know it's kind of intimidating but it's as simple as plugging a guitar or mic into your computer and hitting record. all the bells and whistles are for after that.

Anonymous said...

i am not done telling you how much i like to listen to this song.