i kind of forgot to pay my cable bill while in the midst of the holidays so the internet is down in my humble abode. here's to financial independence. so now i'm at work (e2 coffee on moreland, behind the little azio's in east atlanta) and might as well take the oppurtunity to make a "favorite band" post, complete with youtube links.
this dude is a hero of mine. his songs are filled with mistakes, terrible production values and the sort of noises you'd generally only hear from someone residing in an asylum. and i love it. buried under the layers of tape hiss are songs that sound distinctly familiar and pleasant but at the same time have been run through a drug-soaked meat grinder. this guy is a genius. i don't care what anyone says. i greatly admire his prolificness, how unique his output is, and the fact that he records through non-traditional means (a four-track in his bedroom? using his mouth for drums?!). i also like that i can't tell if he's sincere or not; it keeps the listener guessing as to what his intention is with any given song. i saw him live a few months ago.. he's a weird dude. this song isn't representative of his whole catalog but considering that i watch this video over and over it seems right to post it.
there is something magical about these guys. i don't know if it's drug-related or if they sacrifice virgins before they perform but something is up with these guys. i anticipate they will be hugely influential for generations to come, even if they aren't immediately. their music strikes me as refreshingly unpretentious and positive while at the same time being innovative and breaking new ground from album to album. seeing them at the variety playhouse in october was the best concert i've ever seen. easily. i left the venue with a sense of ease and well-being. i called friends i hadn't spoken to in ages to tell them about it. i was blown away. this song is one they haven't recorded yet but are playing live and when they played it at my show, my life flashed before my eyes.
DEERHUNTER/ATLAS SOUND/LOTUS PLAZAfirst i heard the music. it was pretty much a perfect amalgamation of everything else i really get into: the sonics of my bloody valentine, the chutzpah of classic bowie, the sneer and force of my favorite punk records. and then i found out they were from atlanta, which was in the next state over from me (at the time, since i live here now) and i was just amazed that something so awesome could come from somewhere so relatively close by. even if they were from antarctica, they'd still be one of my favorite bands and i'd enthusiastically champion anything they put out. seen here is one of my favorite songs of theirs performed live, "fluorescent grey". this song holds a special place in my heart because bradford (the singer) dedicated it to me on my birthday when they played with the fiery furnaces (who are another of my favorite bands that i will get to in the next post). ..and now i have to clock out and go home. i'll make another one of these soon because i can think of at least twenty more bands that i have to say something about to cover all necessary ground.. i hope you guys like yellow magic orchestra.